Ear Care Taught at Merryfield Pet Grooming School in Florida
Clientele Information: Proper documentation is ideal when dealing with pets that have ears that do not look healthy. Be sure to take before and after photographs so that a client is not worried that you have harmed their pet. This can guard you if a client decides to take legal action over the health of a pet. Examination: Before ear care is conducted, an examination should be done while the client is still present. If it seems as if the pet’s ears need veterinary attention, you should make the client aware. Although you are not a veterinarian and cannot provide medical care for pets, you should be able to identify health problems in ears of your client’s animal. If you feel that ear care you provide will harm the pet, do not continue and notify the client of the health issues. Cleaning: During pet grooming school you will learn to apply ear cleaner, massage the ears, and remove with cotton balls. You will also be advised in how and when to remove ear hair either by clipping or plucking. Dealing with Hematomas: Hematomas are clumps of matted hair stuck to a pet’s ears. Often times these hematomas present a problem for ear blood circulation. Once the matting is removed, blood circulation is reinstated and could cause swelling in the ears. You will be taught how to properly restrain the ears to prevent swelling and bleeding after hematoma removal.Enrolling in Merryfield Pet Grooming School in Florida
If you love animals, want to start your own business, and have an interest in grooming, pet grooming school is perfect for you. Choose the only accredited pet grooming school in the nation, Merryfield Pet Grooming School. Because of our accreditation, financial assistance may be provided to you in the form of government assistance or student loans. Find out if you qualify by visiting our financial service webpage to learn more. We offer a fully balanced and complete grooming program that will greatly enhance your skill and knowledge of pet grooming. Start on your road to becoming a professional pet groomer today by calling the Merryfield Pet Grooming School at 954-771-4030 or visiting our website.Sign up for
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